Senior Pictures – Columbus/Newark Ohio Senior Photography : Doug

Teach me how to dougie. Remember that? Fun, catchy, somethin you want around while you are just hangin out and relaxin? Yep, that’s my boy Doug too! 🙂 We went exploring yesterday for his senior pictures and wound up spending time in an abandoned factory of some sorts while we goofed off and got some great shots! As we are wrapping up our shoot, Doug decides he wants to go to the top floor of the old, soggy, FALLING APART building much against my warning… I’ll spare any mothers (including his!) in the group the details, but lets just say, Doug was a bit big for the soggy wood floors and nearly came all the way through back to the first floor in a hurry! I told him that’s why we sign the “I promise not to die” clause LOL! Anyways, I’m just loading these into the system today but here are a few quick edits from the shoot!

2 thoughts on “Senior Pictures – Columbus/Newark Ohio Senior Photography : Doug

  1. Chad this preview looks great! Can’t wait to see the entire shoot. Leave it to Dougie to try to land somewhere he shouldn’t of He had a great time with you that day, even if he didn’t get his snow shots 😦 This is truly him in person.. always daring to be different! Hope to get a few shots of him playing at the Naz too.

Let us know what you think!